Thursday, July 18, 2013

Time flies....

My, oh my! Where has the time gone?  I have not been here in a while... But I have been busy!  Nephew back from deployment and home with his baby girl and now with a baby boy!  Jordan has graduated from high school, and we are working towards her college enrollment. I need to get some more here as my journal, as I kept nice notes from our recent trip to St. Croix...
Think that's my next goal...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Had to make room in the driveway for the baby girl's new pony. She got her learner's permit in July, and we had to get her something she could drive, cause she couldn't drive a straight shift. She sure does think she's cool! And isn't she just? Darn thing is low to the ground, though, and it kills me getting in and out, and I have to, till she gets her license. Man, it's TUFF to get old!

Friday, July 30, 2010

It has been a while since I have visited this closet, as I have been almost living in the others in my house. I have thrown out and donated a truck load, and I honestly cannot tell the difference. Which obviously means, back to the closet to continue in my endeavors.

In the meantime, life has been happening. As of 3 days ago, I became the mother of an official teenage driver. She drove to town and back immediately after getting her permit, and did great. Only scared me twice, and then not too badly. I only worry that when she gets her confidence built for road driving, she will lose some caution. I pray not.

Work calls, and I must answer.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's almost Christmas. Time passes so quickly now, that it seems a blur. Things from the past are now indelibly printed in my mind, but the things I want and need to remember that are more recent, are like watercolors in the rain. Blurry and running fast. It's becoming more clear to me now why the elderly recall their passed loved ones so clearly at the end. Recent events have come so thick and fast that there's no time to deeply emboss them into your quilt of memories like you would want.

My baby girl (almost 15) is in high school, doing pretty good, too. She's gone to two (count 'em, 2!) dances already, and the Winter Dance, with the theme "Nightmare before Christmas", is where she met a new boy. He calls her all the time, and he seems real sweet, so we'll see how this newest puppy love plays out. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Helloooo there, no body! Haven't unloaded in a bit, having been too busy!!! Spent a wonderful week in Texas with my favorite greatniece!! Okay, so she's my only greatniece (on my side anyway) and she's a beautiful baby girl, so I am prejudiced. Enormously so. Immediately upon my triumphant return from Texas (complete with $155.00 speeding ticket) I loaded up and flew to Denver for a conference, and ended up in the 4th Annual Denver Zombie Crawl. After trying unsuccessfully to catch up at work, it quickly became apparent that I would have to burn the midnight oil, and so have been working until 10 p.m. at my second job in another town, while trying to remain afloat at my first job, and keep studying for my Sunday School lessons to teach some pretty bright teens, and add in a quick "non-traditional" (I'll say!!!) wedding veil (pink and black) and I am totally exhausted!!!! All of you out there who cares, shout "Poor Baby!"

As for documentation of the Zombie Crawl, stay tuned. Photos to be added.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Back to Cleaning Closets...

Been going through the closet today. For real. Ditching some stuff, probably not as much as I should be, but some things are like old friends. The old soft shirts, the ragged jeans that you can't wear anywhere but in the house. But they've been there a long time, and you just don't get rid of things just because they're out of style. I've never been stylish anyway, so some of my old familiar friends are hanging around. Like Rod, he's been one of my favorites for a long, long, long time. So mellow, most of the time, but when he turns loose, he turns loose. I like to think that I'm that way. Probably wishful glamorized thinking, but there it is. Straight out of the closet!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Weeks flying by...

It's so hard to believe, but the weeks are flying by and Christmas will soon be here. I look at pictures of my little girl, and am amazed to see a beautiful young lady stroll by me in the house. She's a mischievous little imp, and a sophisticated young lady, and a tomboy, and more, all rolled into one. And I am so blessed to have her in my life. I am amazed and dismayed and a little alarmed at how quickly the time is flying by. This week, signing up for high school, then next week, graduation, then soon, wedding plans and grandkids. Yes, it's true, the weeks are flying by, just like my mama said they would.